Allied Academies

Call for Abstracts

Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Research will be organized around the theme Improving Healthcare Through Innovative Clinical Pharmacy Practice

clinical-pharmacy-2023 is compromised of 10 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in clinical-pharmacy-2023

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Clinical pharmacy mainly focuses on considering people's needs for drugs, administrative routes, modes of use, effects of drugs on patients, and overall management of drug treatment. General clinical pharmacy requires knowledge in several parts such as knowledge of drug therapy, understanding of diseases, proficiency in the laboratory and diagnostic skills, acquisition of patient monitoring skills, awareness of drug information skills, and therapy planning skills.

  • Biomedical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Role in the Health Care System
  • Clinical sciences

Drug development is the way to bring a new drug to market when the lead compound has been recognized through drug discovery. This includes preclinical research in microorganisms and organisms, applying for regulatory status for example, through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for an investigative new drug to start human clinical trials and possibly incorporate regulatory approval processes with a quiet new application for drug advertising.

Clinical pharmacy and Pharmacy practice play an important role in clinical trials and clinical research. In recent years, the role of Pharmacists in clinical research and patient care has improved significantly, and they play an active role in the design and regulation of drug therapies. This session focuses on recent advances in Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical practice.

  • Clinical Dentistry
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Patient Care Services
  • Community Pharmacy & Hospital Pharmacy
  • Social and Administrative Pharmacy

Clinical pharmacology bridges the relationship between medical practice and laboratory science. The main goal is to enhance the safety of the prescription, maximize the effect of the drug, and minimize its side effects of the drug. It is important to have associations with pharmacists who are competent in the areas of drug information, drug safety and other aspects of pharmacy practice related to clinical pharmacy. Clinical pharmacologists must have access to enough outpatients for clinical care, teaching, and education, and researchers shall be supervised by medical professionals.

  • Molecule-receptor interactions
  • Study of drug actions
  • Use of drugs as therapeutic agents in medicine
  • Adverse effects of drugs 

The scope of oncology research is often high, and the complexity of clinical trial designs and study designs is increasing. Reports currently show that the success rate of investigational compounds approved for clinical use in cancer is the lowest of any disease, and only 6.7% are thought to be approved for these diseases. Cancer drugs are being studied in Phase I studies. In oncology, there are key differences in clinical trials.

  • Subtypes of Cancer
  • Creation of data from oncology studies
  • Systematic appraisal

In the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and Pharmacologydrug discovery is the process by which new drug candidates are discovered through rigorous studies.. Historically, drugs were discovered by identifying active ingredients from traditional remedies or discovered by accident, such as Penicillin. Pre-clinical research leading to clinical trials

  • The preclinical Development Process
  • In-vitro and In-vivo studies

Cell biologists may also become more involved in the clinical development of new and reference drugs, particularly with regard to indications, diagnostic development, and population stratification. . In this case, it is valuable to know more about the clinical stages of drug development.

  • Cytopathology
  • Cytochemistry
  • Cytotaxonomy
  • Cytopathology

Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of the use and effects of drugs in a large number of people it provides an estimate of the probability of a drug's beneficial effects occurring in a population and the probability of side effects occurring. It can be called a bridging science that includes both clinical pharmacology and epidemiology.

  • Medicines
  • Epidemiology
  • Bridge science
  • Therapeutics
  • Drug-Drug interaction

Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities related to the detection, evaluation, understanding and prevention of side effects or any other drug/vaccine related problem. Pharmaceutical economics refers to the field of science that compares the value of one drug or drug treatment with another.

  • Pharmacovigilance in medicine
  • Active surveillance.
  • Cohort event monitoring.
  • Passive surveillance.

Patient safety is the prediction of adverse patient outcomes related to surveillance and health. Health has proven to be more effective, but it has also been shown to become easier as new innovations, drugs and coatings become more widely used. Health officials dealing often with serious comorbidities, are seeking increasingly uncomfortable medical options. Increased financial burden on health care providers often leads to situations of health care overload. Patient safety can become an issue that emphasizes medical safety through the prevention, minimization, reporting, and investigation of recovery impairment, which often has a hostile impact.

Clinical research is a field of medical science that evaluates the efficacy and safety of drugs, equipment, diagnostic tools, and treatment regimens designed for use in people. Clinical practise and clinical research are two distinct things. In clinical research, evidence is gathered to establish a treatment, whereas established treatments are employed in clinical practise.

  • Outsourcing Clinical research.
  • Adoption of electronic records makes research easier.
  • Adopting electronic records.
  • Enabling an integrated clinical enterprise.

The study of bioactive substances at the molecular level is known as Molecular Pharmacology. The knowledge of molecular biology can be used to determine how medications truly work in living things.      

  • Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Targets Introduction
  • Review of Cell Signalling, Transduction, and Pathway
  • Application of Metabolomics to Drug Activity
  • The Way New Drugs Work That Are Currently Being Developed
  • The endocrine system aids in preserving internal homeostasis by producing endogenous substances known as hormones. The use of medications to help maintain and regulate endocrine function is a crucial area of study in Pharmacology.
  • Primary hormone effects
  • Modification of endocrine function
  • Pathways for metabolic and hormonal diseases
  • Mechanisms of hormone signal transduction

By offering knowledge about medications, pharmacists contribute significantly to the healthcare system. Pharmaceutical therapy's main objective is to improve patients' quality of life while posing the least amount of danger possible by achieving significant results. In order to achieve the desired outcome of patient welfare, pharmacists work to identify illnesses, cure illnesses, eliminate symptoms, limit processes, stop the course of illnesses, and alter physiological mechanisms. A crucial topic in the field of health care is research into pharmacy practise, which focuses on understanding how and why people receive pharmacy services, how much treatment costs, and what happens to patients as a result of this therapy. It aims to promote the use of evidence in decisions about policy and practise made by pharmacists.

  • Dispensing of medications
  • Quality testing
  • Formulating and re-formulating dosage forms
  • Monitoring and reporting drug safety

Bioethics is that the study of the moral issues emerging from advances in biology, medicine, and technologies. It proposes the discussion about moral discernment in society and it's often associated with medical policy and practice, but also to broader questions as environment and well-being. Bioethics is anxious with the moral questions that arise within the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, theology, and philosophy. It includes the study of values referring to medical care, other branches of medication ("the ethics of the ordinary"), ethical education in science, animal, and environmental ethics.

  • Organ donation and transplantation
  • Genetic research
  • Death and dying
  • Environmental concerns.

Pharmacokinetics is the analysis of drug assimilation, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. The apparent concept in pharmacokinetics is drug clearance, namely, the elimination of drugs from the body. It can be clearly defined as the movement of the drug inside our body. It can describe what changes our body has sustained after taking that drug. Pharmacodynamics is described as how our body responds to the drug. The study of the connection between the concentration of drugs and their effects is known as pharmacodynamics. It is the study of pharmacology that sustains the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their conduct in our bodies.

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